is one of the most commonly used methods for determining the allowable bearing capacity of soils.
this test the loading platform, consisting of a bearing plate of steel or cast
iron or composite material made of wooden sleepers and steel joist is
subjected to a gradual increment of load and the corresponding settlement
values are noted. The load settlement curve is then plotted from which the
ultimate bearing capacity is found as based on settlement considerations for
cohesive and non-cohesive soils. Finally, by dividing this ultimate bearing
capacity by the suitable factor of safety, the allowable bearing capacity of
soil is found out.
Test set-up
test pit should be at least five times as wide as the test plate. The test plate
is made to rest in the centre of the pit in a depression that is of the same
size as that of the test plate and the bottom level of which shall correspond
to the level of the actual foundation. The depth of the hole shall be such that
the ratio of depth to the width of the loaded area is the same as for the actual
foundation. The test plate is 2.5 cm in thickness and the following are their
sizes for different soils.
a. Clayey soils, sandy and silty soils
– size, 60 cm square
b. Gravelly and dense sandy soils –
size, 30 cm square
sizes up to 75 cm square can be used depending upon practical considerations.
test plate should be machined on the sides and edges. The sides of the pit are
lined with wooden sheeting if the soil is soft. The test plate shall be bedded
to the soil by plaster of Paris, aluminous cement slurry or fine sand. At the
start of the test, the platform will be preloaded with a load of 0.7 kg/cm2 and
load is applied through a column by means of deadweights such as sandbags or
pig iron on lead bars or by a reaction frame which may be a truss frame
anchored to the soil by anchors or jacking against a loaded platform with a
steel joist placed centrally underneath. The hydraulic jack should butt against
the joist with
ball bearing placed in between. The load is increased in regular increments of
200 kg or one-fifth of the approximate ultimate bearing capacity or until the
ultimate load is reached.
settlements should be recorded at least to an accuracy of 0.02 mm with the help
of at least two dial gauges to take care of any differential settlement that may
occur. Settlements should be observed for each increment of load after an
interval of 1, 4, 10, 20, 40, 60 minutes and thereafter at hourly intervals. In
the case of clayey soils, the time-settlement curve should be plotted at each
load stage and the load should be increased to the next stage either when the
curve indicates that the settlement has exceeded 70 –80 per cent of the
expected ultimate settlement at that stage or at the end of a 24-hour period.
For soils other than clayey soils, each load increment shall be kept for not
less than 1 hour and up to the time when no further measurable settlement
occurs. The next increment of load shall then be applied and the observation is
repeated (Figure).
a. Size effect: The results of the plate load test reflect the strength
and the settlement characteristics of the soil within the pressure bulbs. As
the pressure bulb depends on the size of the loaded area, it is much deeper for
the actual foundation as compared to that of the plate. The plate load test
does not truly represent the actual conditions if the soil is not homogenous
and isotropic to a large depth.
b. Scale effect: The ultimate bearing capacity of saturated clays is
independent of the size of the plate, but for cohesionless soils, it increases
with the size of the plate. To reduce the scale effect it is desirable to repeat
the plate load test with plates of two or three different sizes, extrapolate the
bearing capacity for the actual foundation and take the average of the values
c. Time effect: A plate load test is essentially a test of short duration.
For clayey soils, it does not give the ultimate settlement. The load settlement curve is not truly representative.
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d. Interpretation of failure load: A failure load is well defined, except in the case of a
general shear failure. An error of personal interpretation may be involved in
other types of failure.
e. Reaction load: It is not practical to provide a reaction of more than
250 KN and, hence, the test on a plate of size larger than 0.6 m width is
f. Water table: The level of water table affects the bearing capacity of
the sandy soils. If the water table is above the level of the footing, it has
to be lowered by pumping before placing the plate. The test should be performed
at the water table level if it is within 1 m below the footing.
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